Advanced hot bonder for composite repairs. They are conceived as portable systems, light, handy for field application and their operations have been optimized
to be extremely simple to use by shop technicians, while including several sophisticated features.
Advanced hot bonder for composite repairs. They are conceived as portable systems, light, handy for field application and their operations have been optimized
to be extremely simple to use by shop technicians, while including several sophisticated features.
ANITA 4.0 is accompanied by a variety of Network Applications (NetApps) to introduce Bonded Composite Repairs in the Digital Aircraft Maintenance Era. ANITA 4.0 is accompanied by a variety...
Accessory case delivered together with the Anita console as above; Contains : electrical cables, hoses, valves, vacuum hoses, thermocouples. *V= 1 for 120V*V= 2 for 230V Accessory case delivered together...
Characteristics:-2 zones : controlled simultaneouslyORindependently -Touch Screen-12 thermocouples (J or K)-Printer-Easy programming-Quick set to run-Automatic reporting of curing cycles-USB port to save reports of curing cycles-Automatic adaptation to 120V/230V environment-Delivered complete with its accessory case Characteristics:-2 zones : controlled...
Characteristics:-2 zoes for1 advanced repair.-6 thermocouples (J or K)-Printer-Vacuum venturi pump mounted-Sensing of vacuum bag-Immediate programming to run intuitive procedures-Very robust for field operation-Dimensions: 350 x 220 x 220 mm-Weight 9 Kg-Total Power 6000 Watts Characteristics:-2 zoes for1 advanced...