Heating blankets designed and produced according to their use; for hot bonding of composite repair processes, For general heat application whenever it is it useful to improve productivity by heating a resin, a seal-ant, heating parts in a composite manufacturing process: heating moulds, structures, etc.
The radome blankets are proposed in 3 concentric zones or 4 sectors. Each design is offered on internal skin or external skin.
This blaket is made to be used with our System Anita 6Z40 for Reverser Repair. All blanket electrical circuits per zone described below are under 230 Volts monophase.
The blanket is in 2 electrical zones to be controlled by the ANITA Console. Two identical blankets are necessary to cover the complete circular ring of this
The system is designed in 3 blankets:
-1 to cover the upper segment;
-2 similar ones to cover respectively the lower left and lower right sides.Each blanket is manufactured in 2 zones parallel in the length.Approximative dimensions:
-Blanket Upper: 1530 x 760 x 760 mm
-Blanket Lower left: 1730 x 630 x 760 m
-Blanket Lower right: 1850 x 760 x 630 mm
The system is designed in 3 blankets. one covers the upper segment; two to cover respectively the lower left and lower right sides. Each blanket is manufactured in 2 zones parallel in the length.
Approximative dimensions:
-Blanket upper: 1530 x 760 x 760 mm
-Blanket lower left: 1730 x 630 x 760 mm
-Blanket lower right: 1850 x 760 x 630 mm
This specific blanket has been designed after an actual series of trials including our services for engineering analysis and thermal transfer simulation ; excellent results to match specifications of
180 °C +/- 5 °Con the whole area (2,15 x 0,9 m approx.) are obtained with our heating blanket
designed in8 zones optimally.Consult us to adapt the control solution with our Anita System.
Heating Blankets to perform thermography NDT for the detection of water ingress in Airbus Elevators (A300, A320, A330, A340). Each Kit is delivered in a case for easy storage and safe transportation andisconform to the specifications and methodology as developed in agreement with Airbus NDT.